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Cody Regional Health Collaborates with Director of Homeland Security for Practice Incident Command Exercise

Cody Regional Health Collaborates with Director of Homeland Security for Practice Incident Command Exercise

Cody Regional Health is pleased to announce the successful completion of a practice Incident Command Exercise conducted in collaboration with Jeff Martin, Director of Homeland Security for Park County Wyoming. This exercise further strengthens our readiness and response capabilities in the event of a Code White emergency.

The recent tabletop practice Incident Command Exercise served as a valuable opportunity for our dedicated team at Cody Regional Health to refine our emergency response protocols and enhance coordination with external partners, including Director Martin and his team from Homeland Security.

"We are pleased to report the successful completion of our practice Incident Command Exercise with Director Jeff Martin and his team," said Ashley Trudo, Marketing and Public Relations Director at Cody Regional Health. "This exercise provided invaluable insights and reinforced our preparedness to effectively respond to emergencies and protect the health and safety of our patients and community."

Joining in the exercise was Bill Bennet, retired Director of Homeland Security, with the Colorado Department of Agriculture, who recently became a resident of Park County. Bennet remarked, "Everyone knows how to run in this structure, and it’s a great structure, the team is learning method management."

Jeff Martin emphasized the importance of interagency collaboration in emergency situations, stating, "Building those relationships prior to an actual emergency is critical. Trying to establish those communications, we can work together but we need to know what we’re providing in advance."

Cody Regional Health remains dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of emergency preparedness and response. Our ongoing collaboration with Park County Homeland Security reflects our commitment to proactive planning and continuous improvement in safeguarding the well-being of those we serve.

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